Masculinity Movies movie selection

You're a man. You watch movies. Yet, you may be missing out on the full experience of the movies you watch. Do you want to leave the cinema inspired, wanting to make the most of your life? Do you want to stay inspired? Then you've come to the right place.

Join me in uncovering the archetypal path of growth that awaits in the world of movies. Watching movies will never be the same again. It's a promise.

The Lover ArchetypeMay 1, 2014

Introducing the Lover Archetype


Finally, the Lover has arrived. He took his time. The Lover's journey through life prioritizes flow over structure, sensual delight over getting shit done. This talk is the last in the series on the KWML archetypes and will take you into realms of addiction, sexuality and the yearning to be One with God.

Meet the Lover!

The other archetypes

Article favouriteSeptember 16, 2009

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover – archetypes of the mature Masculine

Now updated with practices at the end. One of the most popular articles on is about the KWML archetypes outlined in Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette's book. Dive into the murky waters of your subconscious and discover that there are men who sleep inside you who are the stuff of legends. Now, your work is to wake them up. This article is a good starting place for that long road towards maturity.

Go deeper with the KWML archetypes »

Controversial article!September 22, 2013

Hollywood as a lens to the American shadow

Hollywood makes a ridiculous amount of movies with presi-dential kidnappings, burning government buildings and invasion threats. What can taking a closer look at Hollywood through the eyes of depth psychology reveal?

Hollywood and shadow »

Latest editorial movie reviewJun 19, 2018

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

In-depth review

Reassigned to a mental institution after the prison system tires of his disobedience, McMurphy hopes to while away his sentence in a less taxing environment. Instead, he finds himself engaged in a battle of wits with the pitiless Nurse Ratched – who rules her patients with a cold-blooded zeal. Earning the respect and admiration of his downtrodden counterparts, McMurphy lights a fire in their hearts and stirs them to action– ensuring that none of their lives will ever be the same again.

» Go deeper with One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

Latest user reviewAugust 19, 2014

Saving Private Ryan

User review

Saving private Ryan is a movie about II World War where an american group is ordered to find and get one soldier back home from the terrain of France, since this one soldier's all four brothers had been killed in combat. It is a interesting journey to look on the relationships between the men, and how the archetypal energies show up in this movie, switching side by side. Ultimately this movie is about courage. It is about making your dreams real.

Random user reviewJanuary 23, 2012

Secondhand Lions

User review

Walter, the Boy, is farmed out to two gruff old relatives, who allegedly have a huge fortune from their younger adventures. Although initially baffled and scared by these two eccentrics, Walter learns their secrets and adopts them as his guardians.

Movie review from the archivesAugust 23, 2010

Robin Hood

Editorial review

Robin Hood is the "story of how the man became the legend". It provides ample opportunity to examine the King archetype, the importance of initiation of boys at the hands of mature male elders and the impact one man and his unrelenting integrity can have on the future of the world.