Men and the Future: Symposium coming up in Frankfurt in May

posted by Eivind on December 8, 2012, at 8:12 pm

Hi men! Nick Duffell and Robert Fischer are putting on the Men and the Future: Sex, authenticity and power-symposium in Frankfurt in May (23-26). Sex, authenticity and power – words that hold weight and juice for me. Three things that are all challenging – and all rewarding, when approached in the right way. My contribution to this Symposium is going to be a lecture on the primal side of the masculine psyche, and how it is important to tap into it in order to live lives as empowered modern men.

Messages men have received over the past several decades about the inherent negativity in the masculine essence has severed the connection of many with those parts of ourselves which are powerful, wild. But losing contact with our instinctual wild side has devastating consequences. It robs us of our vitality, sexuality, self-respect, integrity. In the end, we become disempowered men who forgot the art of loving ourselves. And tragically, it puts some men so deep into misery that they come out of it severely broken, leaving pain and destruction in their wake.

Clearly, the status quo isn’t working and I will explore if there is a better way forwards. I will write more about this in the time to come. For now, it will suffice to say that I would love seeing you there.
