Masculinity-Movies blog
posted by Eivind on June 22, 2009, at 9:15 pm
It has been two exciting weeks since the launch on June 5. The site has received substantial exposure in this time. Thanks to Pelle Billing, it has been featured on the Stockholm Wilber group mailing list, as well as presented in Malmö’s integral salon.
Thanks also to Peter Kessels of Integral Europe, who graciously profiled Masculinity Movies as the top story in the June newsletter. That day saw almost one hundred visitors to, a record so far.
I must admit a certain level of geekiness in these two weeks. I have a hidden nerd in me and find it oddly satisfying to check Google Analytics every morning to see how many of you have been visiting. It’s not very manly, I know (addictions are the realm of the boy as you should know by now), but there you have it. I own up to my flaws 🙂
Closer to home, the Norwegian Integral group based in Oslo has also taken an interest in the topic. I visited them for the first time around two weeks ago, and had an interesting evening discussing how integral thinking could influence Norwegian politics in the upcoming elections. I snuck in a little Masculinity Movies promotion at the end of the evening, and found a delightful interest in the topic.
I then proceeded to hang with these great people at an “integral party” the same weekend, and found myself with many people who were not only hungry for the subject, but who were also knowledgeable and experienced in applying it, in different ways.
It has been a rich time for me so far, and I look forward to seeing where things move from here. Odd Inge Forsberg of the Oslo-based Integral group invited me to lecture on the subject in the fall, which is an exciting opportunity that I look forward to.
It seems that the world is ready for this material. This is good news!
Catch you all later,
posted by Eivind on June 22, 2009, at 1:50 am
Okay guys, I finally got out the Michael Clayton review. I’m sorry it’s three hours past midnight of the day I promised it at the launch, but this day has been very challenging to me. Sometimes balancing my purpose and my relationship becomes more than I can skillfully handle. I sometimes forget that doing one of these writeups from start to finish take 8-10 hours (including watching and rewatching the movie), and now I’m totally beat.
Hope you enjoy the review guys. Write and tell me about it if you do.
Peace out, compadres – I gotta sleep.
posted by Eivind on June 8, 2009, at 6:26 pm
Hey everyone and welcome to this new blog.
I felt it was time to set one of these babies up so here we go. In here I can talk more about day to day stuff, what’s going on “backstage” with this project, bring forwards interesting feedback I receive, ramble a bit about my life etc. People are writing me with increased frequency now that the site has been officially launched, and a lot of interesting things are brought to my attention. I can’t just let all this good information bypass you all, forever lost deep in cyberspace. More importantly, I have a desire to connect with you all on a more personal level, as I believe it’s the only way we’re gonna get anything done in our society. The self-centered man belongs to yesterday.
I’m really taking to the idea of brotherhood. I have been fortunate to experienced it on occasion, and it’s a powerful, awesome and humbling feeling. Totally ballsy and strong, yet vulnerable and loving. Learning to love other men in a deep way without feeling homophobic, but strong and empowered, is something everyone needs to experience for himself. In this version of friendship, I got your back, you got mine. We go down or soar together. I think this is a powerful concept. We need to bring it back to life. I need to for myself anyway.
So how about it then, should we play a little with this idea of brotherhood? Really, we need to, because you know just as well as I that a website such as this – despite all its awesomeness – is just a tiny speck of a vast cultural process that must take place in the years ahead. You see, my vision for this project – reinventing modern man by resurrecting authentic masculinity – is way too big to pretend I can do it alone. So we got to connect you see!
So welcome to this blog. Here’s to many good conversations in the time to come!
Love and respect brothers,